: "it's kooky!" "back you off!" "herrrrlp!!" "may you help tie your shoe?" "Do you feel grumpy? I do when I can't make my puzzle piece fit" "stupid beaver" "What could be better than that?!" "does Leo say hiya?" "That's good stuff"
: "DUDES!!! dude, dude, dude, dude & dude!" "what's up wit your bad self?" "my mom!" "My mom has talent, ya know?!" "I'm just a sad girl with no friends and nowhere to go" "Don't you listen to him!"
: "horny" (asking for pony & horse...) "hiya!" "busd" "dragon tales" "fishd" "chit"
: "oh, my ass" "my ass hurts" "what the hell are they doing?" "will you wipe my ass?" "I have to put my shite in the toilet" "stop teaching me!" "I'm going to kill yourself!" "No, YOU fold your hands!" "No, YOU be quiet!" "spaceball bags" "dumb trucks"
: "He's mah-blah" "aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "where my knee is?"
: "behold, I'm taking off my clothes!" "I'm never going to school again!"
: "go sit, then good job" "totty" "one more time?" "go to work, Brenda"
Ah, yes! Let's not remind little AS about the stupid beaver anytime soon.