Saturday, January 16, 2010


Yeah, yeah, i know...its been a while. No promises about my return to "the blog"...I am just not a writer.

So today we took a trip to NJ to see my aunt who is visiting from Florida and to see my cousin Timothy and his newborn baby boy, Matthew. Uh...he is TOO CUTE, BTW...

It was a fun day catching up, reminiscing, LAUGHING, telling stories, etc. My grandmother and her husband came over for a little while to visit as well. For christmas she gave me the greatest present. A few years ago I had given her this little journal to fill out about her life. One little page per day for one whole year. I totally forgot about it but I got it back for christmas ALL FILLED OUT!! She is one crazy woman, but for those of you who know her, this will not come as a surprise. It's really not a mystery why I am the way I am!!! oh, and today I taught her what a "mo-fo" is. LOLOLOLOL man, I love that woman!

I also love to spend time with the extendeds. Love you guys!