Wednesday, June 10, 2009


OH MY WORD! today was day 182 and we are FREE!!!! Smell the freedom people!! But I can't get too excited, I get to see my little gems in a week and a half for ESY (summer school).

Ain't i lucky?!

I just love love my job and my boys...they make me crazy, the make me smile, they make me think and they make me smarter. Most of all, they make me laugh. There is no one else who can put a smile on my face the same way they can.

One of the mothers gave me a beautiful gift today - a bracelet that says, "faith, hope, love" I will think of Adam everytime I wear it for as long as I have it. Thanks, Luci =]

1 comment:

  1. How retarded am I? I didn't have the bracelet on me when I wrote out this post. I was wearing it today and looking at it when it dawned on me...IT SO DOES NOT SAY FAITH HOPE & LOVE!!!!! it says HOPE DREAM BELIEVE. sheesh...either way, it means a lot to me
