Monday I got to bring my BFF home from work. My sweet, funny little Adam. My friend has autism. He is SO smart, unique, funny, sweet, defiant, chatty, and adorable!! He has trouble with communication skills like most people who have autism do. It is what we focus on the most in school. Anyhow, my friend came home with me and we went swimming. It was overcast and the water was SO COLD! There is probably no one else in this world I would have gotten in that water for (maybe my nephew) - certainly not my kids!! =] He was in the pool before I even had my cover up off and did so well. I have never seen such joy cross his little face! He let me do some OT stuff with him - which he hates - and we worked on pronouns and prepositions and he didn't even know it! We had a great day and I wanted to share about it with you - ok, so fine, there are only 2 of you who read this and one of you is Adam's mother, but still!!! If by some chance, some other random person is reading this and you want to check out more about this beautiful child, go to

Aw! That's so sweet!